Related Studies

In 1996 a study was done on 85 malignant mesotheleoma patients to determine the importance of proper diagnosis. Based on how the tumor looks under a microscope, mesotheleoma is divided into three types. These are the epithelial, sarcomatoid, and mixed/biphasic types. Most mesotheleomas (50-70%) are epithelial. The correct identification of a patient's tumor type is highly dependent on "pretreatment" factors such as the diagnostic technique used and the quality and size of biopsy specimens. Although treatment factors are the same for all three types, the epithelial type has the best prognosis (outlook) of the three. Based on these two observations, the researchers concluded that "the prognosis of patients with plural mesothelioma is more dependent on pretreatment factors than on the effect of theurapeutic interventions."
Chest 1996; 109(1): 109-14.

A second study on patients with undiagnosed pleural effusions (mesotheleoma is a type of pleural effusion), sought to determine the most accurate and well-tolerated method of diagnosis. In each case, the patients had already undergone several procedures which had failed to provide a conclusive diagnosis. Using a rigid thoracoscope equipped with a video camera, the researchers attained correct diagnosis in 93% of the previously undiagnosed patients. The researchers concluded that video thoracoscopy can be highly useful in cases where diagnosis is inconclusive using techniques such as pleural fluid cytology.
Casalini et al., Eur Respir J 1994;7 (suppl 18):443s.

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